Thursday 7 March 2019

Digital Image Processing

Video Lectures
Unit 1 to Unit 5  
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Unit 6
Question Bank
Unit 1 to Unit 4

Notes and QB
Unit 1 and  Unit 2 
UNIT I:  Image fundamentals: Image acquisition, sampling and quantization, image resolution, basic relationship between pixels, color images, RGB, HSI and other models.
Unit II: Two dimensional transforms: 2D-Discrete fourier transform, discrete cosine transform, Walsh Hadamard transform, Haar transform, KL transform, and discrete wavelet transform.
File 1:
Questions on Color Model
Unit 1 ppt (by Prof. P. Ulhe)
Unit 3:
 Spatial domain Processing: Point processing such as digital negative, contrast stretching, thresholding, gray level slicing, bit plane slicing, log transform and power law transform, neighbourhood processing such as averaging filters, order statistics filters, high pass filters and high boost filters, histogram equalization and histogram specification, frequency domain such as DFT for filtering, ideal, Gaussian and butterwort filters for smoothening and sharpening, and homomorphic filters.
File 2:
unit 3 ppt (by prof Vishal Moyal)
Unit 4:
Image segmentation and morphology: Point, line and edge detection, edge linking using Hough transform and graph theoretic approach, thresholding, and region based segmentation, dilation, erosion, opening, closing, hit or miss transform, thinning and thickening, and boundary extraction on binary images.
File 4
File 5
unit 4 ppt (by prof Vishal Moyal)

Unit 5:
Degradation model, noise models, estimation of degradation function by modelling, restoration using Weiner filters and inverse filters.
File 6:

Unit 6:
Video formation, perception and representation: Digital video sampling, video frame classifications, I, P and B frames, notation, ITU-RBT 601 digital video formats, digital video quality measure, video capture and display: principle of colour video camera, video camera, digital video, sampling of video signals: required sampling rates, sampling in two dimensions and three dimensions, progressive virus interlaced scans, two dimensional motion estimation, block matching algorithms.
Q.1 What are the required sampling rates for video signals? 
Explain video sampling in three dimensions.
Q.2 classifications of video frames
Full Reference:

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